Mime Application/x-javascript

Related mime types Description for mime application/x-javascript

The MIME type application/x-javascript is used to denote the encoding necessary for files containing JavaScript source code. The category of this MIME type is "application". The alternative MIME type for this file type is text/javascript.

JavaScript is a scripting language that is used to provide programmatic access to objects that are within another application. The files containing the source code for Java Script take the extension JS. The JS file type is supported by applications like Dreamweaver, Notepad, Internet browsers, etc. Depending on the application, the JS file may either be executed or it may be displayed as a source code showing all the original code.

The language can be accurately described as a prototype-based, weakly typed, dynamic language that has first-class functions. It has been derived from and is a dialect of the ECMAScript standard. While developing JavaScript the developers were influenced by many other languages and chose to make JavaScript similar to JAVA. However, they also made it easy enough to be handled by non-programmers who are not familiar with JAVA. The JAVA programming language and the JavaScript scripting language are mutually exclusive and are in no way related to one another. However, they can be deployed together without any problem.

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ICS file
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