Mime Application/x-endnote-refer

Related mime types Description for mime application/x-endnote-refer
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The MIME type application/x-endnote-refer denotes the presence of EndNote import files. This MIME type falls under the category "application".

EndNote files that are denoted by the MIME type application/x-endnote-refer usually carry the extension ENW. These files are used by the EndNote citation and bibliography program to import databases of citations and bibliographies. The databases contained within the files are either created by the user during use or through importing of readymade databases or through a combination of both.

The EndNote application is a reference management program that allows the user to manage reference material lists and citations such as bibliographies and referenced articles, essays, etc. These applications are mainly used by academic writers of various fields for use during writing essays, papers, etc. Since such writing requires enormous amount of research through various materials, there is a need for easy management of lists and easy storage and recall of all the details of the sources consulted and cited. These applications allow the user to build a database that is filled with information regarding the reference material.

These databases make for quick access and easy management of the citation information. They also allow easy additions to the databases through manual data entry and also through imbibing existing databases.

Related file extensions
ICS file
Related IP Addresses

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