Mime Application/adrift

Related mime types Description for mime application/adrift
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The MIME Type application/adrift is used to denote the presence of ADRIFT adventure format files. The category for this MIME type is "application".

ADRIFT is an acronym that stands for Adventure Development & Runner � Interactive Fiction. The files usually carry a TAF extension. It is a two-part program that allows users to create and play text based adventure games. These games do not have any graphics and the entire gameplay is done through text commands and descriptions. The user controls the central character of the story and receives descriptions, reports etc. in either a firs person or second person narratives.

The two parts of ADRIFT are the generator and the runner. The generator is used to create the games that are then executed by the runner. ADRIFT was created to make the creations process of the games simpler. The user does not need to know any programming in order to create a text-based game (also known as interactive fiction). The generator takes care of all the coding in the background. The file outputted by the generator is compatible only with the runner program.

Related file extensions
ICS file
Related IP Addresses

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